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Advent Taizé Prayer

Dec 7th at 6 p.m. Advent is a time of stillness and waiting, of light growing in the darkness. To enter into this beautiful season of prayer and preparation, we’ll offer an evening of prayer and sharing. Our time together will be simple and relaxing, with chanting, Scripture, silence, and prayers of petition.

We're offering two ways for you to participate in the prayer: Gathering in-person outside in the GS backyard or Facebook Live via the God Space Facebook Page

We ask you to sign up so that we can send you more information, like the address, instructions for how to access it on Facebook live, and a worship aid, and other things you’ll want to know.

Please RSVP here:

If you come in person, know that we'll have a campfire to help us to stay warm, and we'll fill the yard with lights and candles to create a beautiful prayer space. After prayer, you're welcome to stick around for snacks and conversation. If the weather is bad, we'll send out an email early in the day to let you know, and then we'll have the prayer only on Facebook Live.

Earlier Event: June 8
Family Picnic