Different Gifts, Same Spirit

Different Gifts, Same Spirit

This Sunday's reading from First Corinthians tells us that "there are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit," and that sounds very nice. However, how does this actually manifest in communities and families? Do we really affirm the gifts in each each other? Do we appreciate our own gifts? Let's reflect on all this a little more deeply . . .

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The World Might Be Ending, but It’s Probably Not

The World Might Be Ending, but It’s Probably Not

Maybe the world is ending, but it probably isn’t. Maybe things are worse now, but they probably aren’t. Or, if things are worse, the world will likely right itself, or we will work to make things right. God offers us love and presence and care. Sometimes we have to work a little harder to notice, and I hope we do work to notice it, because that’s where we’ll find our solace.

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We Keep Showing Up; We Give What We Have

We Keep Showing Up; We Give What We Have

So, we keep showing up. We trust that our two cents are enough. Even when we don’t see much effect from our efforts, we keep showing up because God provides us with any coins we have and they don’t belong to us. Everything we have is for the service of the kingdom of God. And humanity. And creation. We show up together, and we keep showing up, and we give what we have. And God makes that enough.

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