How Shall We Serve? Providence Podcast Episode

How Shall We Serve? Providence Podcast Episode

In this special episode, we’ll be talking about service and advocacy – the gifts of volunteering and how to follow a call to get involved, whether that’s full time or just the little bit of time you have to give. We’ll talk about how to deal with overwhelm and burnout, how to figure out what direction to move in, and how service can connect you with a community of other people.

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Good Fruit, Bad Fruit, Providence Podcast

Good Fruit, Bad Fruit, Providence Podcast

We each have the ability to produce good fruit, to act out of the goodness – the God-ness – inside of us, but we also have it in us to act out of what’s not of God. Our decisions to do good, to move in the direction of the Spirit (or not) reflects who we are. How do we choose to bear good fruit?

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Different Gifts, Same Spirit, Providence Podcast

Different Gifts, Same Spirit, Providence Podcast

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit.” We tend to use this reading from First Corinthians to affirm community and unity in diversity, and that it does. However, when we think about real life in communities and families, how does a diversity of gifts manifest? Do we really affirm the gifts in each person? And do we appreciate our own gifts?

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Christ and the Kingdom, Providence Podcast

Christ and the Kingdom, Providence Podcast

What does it mean to belong to God’s kingdom, this realm not of this world? All we have to do to belong is listen and recognize the truth. We don’t have to work hard to belong to Christ; Christ welcomes all of us with love and compassion, and all we have to do is recognize it.

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We Keep Showing Up; We Give What We Can, Providence Podcast

We Keep Showing Up; We Give What We Can, Providence Podcast

So, we keep showing up. We trust that our two cents are enough. Even when we don’t see much effect from our efforts, we keep showing up because God provides us with any coins we have and they don’t belong to us. Everything we have is for the service of the kingdom of God. And humanity. And creation. We show up together, and we keep showing up, and we give what we have. And God makes that enough.

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