When Darkness Is Coming, Providence Podcast Episode

When Darkness Is Coming, Providence Podcast Episode

Having a troubled heart is a human experience. It comes from looking darkness in the face and moving into it despite how hard it is. Jesus might not have known how things would work out, but he knew that he could trust the unknown future to a loving God. And so can we.

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Seen, Known, and Loved — Providence Podcast Episode

Seen, Known, and Loved — Providence Podcast Episode

May we journey up to the mountaintop with Jesus and his companions and encounter God too. As Jesus revealed the fullness of who he is, may we reveal the fullness of who we are before God and those closest to us. And may we each hear God proclaim that we are God’s beloved too, because we are.

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A God of Love, Not Destruction, Providence Podcast Episode

A God of Love, Not Destruction, Providence Podcast Episode

God is very close with us always, and in those hard times, God is still there, even when it doesn’t feel like it. God is always talking to us, always trying to catch our attention, to reassure us, to let us know that God’s with us, that God loves us.

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Relatives, Chosen Families, and All of the Above, Providence Podcast Episode

Relatives, Chosen Families, and All of the Above, Providence Podcast Episode

The invitation of this feast of the Holy Family is to celebrate the family of Jesus as well as our own families — our families of origin and/or our chosen ones. We also lift up the wide family of God, the human family of which we’re all a part. Maybe we didn’t choose each other, but we belong to each other anyway.

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Comfort, Give Comfort Podcast Episode

Comfort, Give Comfort Podcast Episode

There are lots of us grown-ups running around caretaking, serving, tending to the needs of other people and not experiencing much comfort ourselves. And yet, it’s a human need. How do we receive a little tenderness for ourselves every now and then?

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The King of Sheep (and Goats) Podcast Episode

The King of Sheep (and Goats) Podcast Episode

It seems that Christ the King is not your average king,; in fact, he may even be a better shepherd than he is a king. He’s near to all in need and tells us to move toward them as well. In fact, he tells us that we will find him when we move to the margins and encounter vulnerable people. We may even meet Christ when we ourselves feel vulnerable.

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Be Children of the Light (but God is in the Darkness Too) Providence Podcast Episode

Be Children of the Light (but God is in the Darkness Too) Providence Podcast Episode

God is everywhere that we are. God is wherever we’ve been. God is wherever we’re going. We might distinguish light and darkness, but God is just always fully present with us, showing us how to navigate the darkness and the light.

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Wise Women, Slackers, and Sacred Boundaries Providence Podcast Episode

Wise Women, Slackers, and Sacred Boundaries Providence Podcast Episode

We each need to be attentive and responsible, open to God, and true to ourselves. If we discern well, we’ll know whether life circumstances call for generosity or for setting a boundary. So, be wise, everyone. Strengthen your back and soften your heart and be attentive to the presence of God.

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