Adam, Eve, and Care of Creation
/Humans are made to care for the earth and we are made from the earth. Hear more about the creation story in Genesis and our call to care for the earth in this beautiful reflection by Sister Fidelis Tracy, CDP.
You can watch a video version of the reflection here:
Watch the YouTube version here.
By Sister Fidelis Tracy, CDP
Sr. Fidelis Tracy is a Sister of Divine Providence. She has also served as a high school teacher, a vocation director, a retreat preacher, and Professor of Theology at Thomas More University. She currently offers written and spoken reflections (like this one!) and spiritual programs as well. She likes comic strips in the newspaper because they speak more truth than the other parts. She enjoys reading, counted cross stitch, and music. Someday she will be published in a scholarly journal. She is one sassy sister!
We're hosting a Decision-Making Workshop in March, and you can sign up here: And if you're not local to the Cincinnati area but want to participate in an online version, stay tuned . . .
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