Different Gifts, Same Spirit

Different Gifts, Same Spirit

This Sunday's reading from First Corinthians tells us that "there are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit," and that sounds very nice. However, how does this actually manifest in communities and families? Do we really affirm the gifts in each each other? Do we appreciate our own gifts? Let's reflect on all this a little more deeply . . .

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Love and Unity

Love and Unity

When we listen to each other and honor the Spirit speaking within each person, we may not agree, but we will come to understand each other. When we understand each other, we remember our common purpose, which is to share the Gospel. Our diversity is beautiful — and a gift. Our call is to love, and in our love we’ll find our unity.

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One, but Not the Same

One, but Not the Same

The Holy Spirit is what brings together the most unlikely people and unites us as community, even through our many differences, and helps us to hold that paradox of oneness and diversity. The Spirit doesn’t ask us to conform so we’re all alike, but it does help us to communicate through the different languages we may speak.

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