Fishing for People
/Jesus says, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” What does it mean to fish for people? And, looking at your own spiritual life, what does it mean to be caught by God?
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
Jesus says, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” What does it mean to fish for people? And, looking at your own spiritual life, what does it mean to be caught by God?
Read MoreJesus is calling us to alignment between our attitudes and our actions, an authentic living out of our faith. He's interested in transforming the whole of us, and if we’re open, we allow that transformation to happen, just as it happened to him.
Read MoreThere’s a lot going on in this Gospel, and the quick pace makes it seem like Jesus’s life is an action-packed adventure with lots of people who need help. Are these events just part of a busy day in the life of Jesus? These encounters have much to tell us about the healing ministry of Jesus – for those in the story and for us too.
Read MoreMay we pray to have what Mary did that enabled to say yes to God, her audacity and courage and trust. May we, too, stay open to what God asks of us and risk when we’re called. And may we step into that life full of grace.
Read MoreBefore going forth translates to a step forward, it’s an opening of the heart. It’s an energetic movement, one that opens us to others in love and relationship, one that calls us beyond what’s comfortable to risk something new.
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.