God's Big Wasteful Love
/What if we stopped worrying about worthiness? God, with great pleasure, wastes God’s big, crazy love on us, like a giant waterfall. What if we were to simply receive God’s abundant love and mercy?
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
What if we stopped worrying about worthiness? God, with great pleasure, wastes God’s big, crazy love on us, like a giant waterfall. What if we were to simply receive God’s abundant love and mercy?
Read MoreBrokenness is real, but it is redeemable. As community, we can bring our woundedness together, owning our incompleteness, and drawing near each other. God is present when we come together in our brokenness, God who has chosen to be vulnerable too.
Read MoreWe stay open to what comes, enjoying the heights, living into the depths, and being present to where God is moment by moment, even when the ground is just . . . level.
Read MoreThe story of Jesus’s temptation in the desert is an affirmation of God’s presence with him – and with us. How do you trust that God is with you, especially during times of struggle and temptation?
Read MoreWe each have the ability to produce good fruit, to act out of the goodness – the God-ness – inside of us, but we also have it in us to act out of what’s not of God. Our decisions to do good, to move in the direction of the Spirit (or not) reflects who we are. How do we choose to bear good fruit?
Read MoreWe are lavishly loved and blessed. What we put out into the world may have a cause and effect dynamic, or it may not. However, the more good we do, the more we become people who do good, and the more we become magnanimous, like God is.
Read MoreLiving into the Kingdom of God does not bring wealth and glory, which Christ confirms in the Beatitudes. However, working toward this Kingdom has its own blessings. How do you root yourself in God’s wisdom, and what does that look like in your life?
Read MoreJesus says, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” What does it mean to fish for people? And, looking at your own spiritual life, what does it mean to be caught by God?
Read MoreWhat is your capacity to be amazed by God? And after you’ve had a moving spiritual experience, and things fade back to ordinariness – what then?
Read MoreAs Jesus proclaims the word of God to the people of his hometown, the scripture he reads is fulfilled in their hearing, but they don’t want to hear it. How often do we listen to God, especially when God calls us to grow? And to what is God calling you right now?
Read MoreThis Sunday's reading from First Corinthians tells us that "there are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit," and that sounds very nice. However, how does this actually manifest in communities and families? Do we really affirm the gifts in each each other? Do we appreciate our own gifts? Let's reflect on all this a little more deeply . . .
Read MoreWhy is it easier to believe in our brokenness than our belovedness? Doubts and fears are part of the human experience, but so is being loved. How do we normalize living as God’s Beloved?
Read MoreWhat a promising proclamation: Our light has come! Emmanuel is with us! Rise up from any hopelessness, anxiety, despair, from anything that binds you. Rise up! The glory of God has come, and that glory shines on you.
Read MoreProphets don’t predict the future. They speak a word of hope; they speak for God. God keeps making promises, and when those are fulfilled, God makes more promises. Blessed are we who believe.
Read MoreThe kind of hope that comes from God reassures us of God’s love and presence, both in the future and right now, in this moment, in this first week of Advent, with all that’s happening and all that will unfold.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to belong to God’s kingdom, this realm not of this world? All we have to do to belong is listen and recognize the truth. We don’t have to work hard to belong to Christ; Christ welcomes all of us with love and compassion, and all we have to do is recognize it.
Read MoreMaybe the world is ending, but it probably isn’t. Maybe things are worse now, but they probably aren’t. Or, if things are worse, the world will likely right itself, or we will work to make things right. God offers us love and presence and care. Sometimes we have to work a little harder to notice, and I hope we do work to notice it, because that’s where we’ll find our solace.
Read MoreSo, we keep showing up. We trust that our two cents are enough. Even when we don’t see much effect from our efforts, we keep showing up because God provides us with any coins we have and they don’t belong to us. Everything we have is for the service of the kingdom of God. And humanity. And creation. We show up together, and we keep showing up, and we give what we have. And God makes that enough.
Read MoreIn this culture in which everything is so intense and busy, how do we follow God's commandments to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength? And as we love our neighbors, how do we love ourselves?
Read MoreThis week we get to spend some time with Bartimaeus. What can we learn from this disciple’s encounter with Jesus, and how would you answer Jesus’s question: “What do you want me to do for you?”
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.