Blessed Are We Who Believe
/Prophets don’t predict the future. They speak a word of hope; they speak for God. God keeps making promises, and when those are fulfilled, God makes more promises. Blessed are we who believe.
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
Prophets don’t predict the future. They speak a word of hope; they speak for God. God keeps making promises, and when those are fulfilled, God makes more promises. Blessed are we who believe.
Read MoreUncertainty, difficulty, and change can make us feel disoriented, topsy-turvy, afraid, and vulnerable, not unlike being in a small boat with waves crashing around it and strong wind blowing. When you’re in a situation like this, how do you find your faith amidst the fear?
Read MorePalm Sunday shows us the extremes of human experiences as Jesus is celebrated but then betrayed, condemned, and executed. We see how fast things can change – in this Passion story and in our own lives too. However, through all of life’s joys and sorrows, we can trust that God is with us. And when the intensity of it all feels like too much to hold, God holds us.
Read MoreGod is very close with us always, and in those hard times, God is still there, even when it doesn’t feel like it. God is always talking to us, always trying to catch our attention, to reassure us, to let us know that God’s with us, that God loves us.
Read MoreThe Kingdom of God is at hand now, in this moment. All around us there are people with illnesses and struggles, people who are burdened by despair and anxiety. We have work to do; there’s still good news to be proclaimed.
Read MoreGod extends joy to us in abundance, just as God continues to call us to service and justice, healing and consoling. God calls us to do our little piece to bring about peace, and as we serve God and each other, we’ll find our joy.
Read MoreGod doesn’t ask us to deny our heartbreaks, but God does want to protect us from the further harm that comes from ruminating on negativity. Life brings hard things, but it also offers things which are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious, excellent, and worthy of praise. What if we spend some of our prayer reflecting on the good in our lives and some of it sharing the difficult things with God? “Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard [our] hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Read MoreAnger is not a bad thing, but wrath -- that can cause some harm. Which kind of anger am I embracing, nourishing, and putting out to the universe? Only when I can name anger and identify its flavor can I know how God is calling me to respond with action, mercy, healing, or forgiveness.
Read MorePalm Sunday shows us the extremes of human experiences as Jesus is celebrated but then betrayed, condemned, and executed. We see how fast things can change – in this Passion story and in our own lives too. However, through all of life’s joys and sorrows, we can trust that God is with us. And when the intensity of it all feels like too much to hold, God holds us.
Read MoreWhy is important to hold a space for our grief, sorrow, and pain — especially if we’d rather look away or just go about our lives as if those emotions weren’t there? Because, despite their difficulty, our struggles give God a chance to show us God’s love and to show us that we have cause to hope. And we do have cause to hope. Maybe hope is what God’s glory feels like.
Read MoreWe’re called to see as God does, to look beyond appearances into the heart of things, including our own hearts. As we go within, we recognize God working in our lives, and we discern how to respond to God with our whole hearts.
Read MoreBefore going forth translates to a step forward, it’s an opening of the heart. It’s an energetic movement, one that opens us to others in love and relationship, one that calls us beyond what’s comfortable to risk something new.
Read MoreAnyone who’s truly living their vocation, religious, single, and married people, know both love and endurance. And there’s something about sisters who tend to move toward service. In big and little ways, we keep on keeping on. We align ourselves with discomfort and lean into uncertainty and sometimes even run toward danger. In all that we run to and embrace, endure and uplift, we do it for love of people and love of God.
Read MoreThe Holy Spirit is what brings together the most unlikely people and unites us as community, even through our many differences, and helps us to hold that paradox of oneness and diversity. The Spirit doesn’t ask us to conform so we’re all alike, but it does help us to communicate through the different languages we may speak.
Read MoreThe Feast of the Ascension shows us is that the revelation of Christ in the world, even amidst all of this sorrow, is up to us. The presence of Christ crucified and risen is within each one of us. That’s where God is in all of this. Not waving good bye from above, but generating hope from within us -- hope that we proclaim.
Read MoreI’m working to not let my heart be troubled or afraid, but even if that’s my default, I don’t have to maintain that setting today. I can modify it. And God is always at work in me, rewriting the code that I can’t even decipher and changing my settings from troubled to peace.
Read MoreJesus says, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them and they follow me.” Have you ever heard Christ speak to you – maybe to console you, to get your attention, to call you to something? How do you know that it’s Christ’s voice speaking to you?
Read MoreProphets don’t predict the future. They speak a word of hope. God keeps making promises, and when those are fulfilled, God makes more promises. Blessed are we who believe.
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.