Let All Creation Rejoice!
/Let’s rejoice because the reign of God is near and here, among us and within us and yet to come. Let’s allow ourselves to be moved by the beauty of the earth and to rejoice with it.
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
Let’s rejoice because the reign of God is near and here, among us and within us and yet to come. Let’s allow ourselves to be moved by the beauty of the earth and to rejoice with it.
Read MoreChrist is not invisible. Christ is not high and mighty. Christ is all around us, in each person we meet, and within our very selves. So, let’s allow Christ the vulnerable king to walk closely with us, and when Christ invites each of us into his kingdom, I hope we say yes.
Read MoreI find hope in the fact that hard times will come to an end. Nothing is permanent. I wish all the good things would last forever, but one positive aspect of change is that it also brings hard things to a close. God is very deeply with us even as we move through the worst kind of suffering, and resurrection comes and brings hope too.
Read MoreAnyone who’s truly living their vocation, religious, single, and married people, know both love and endurance. And there’s something about sisters who tend to move toward service. In big and little ways, we keep on keeping on. We align ourselves with discomfort and lean into uncertainty and sometimes even run toward danger. In all that we run to and embrace, endure and uplift, we do it for love of people and love of God.
Read MoreThe reading from the Book of Wisdom can take us pretty deep into the mystery of God and the paradox of God — that God is both infinite and intimate. God holds the universe and all things in it; the magnitude of God is unimaginable. And yet, God is within each one of us and knows us personally. God is the Creator of all, and God is knit deeply within each one of us.
Read MoreGod wants us as we are. No bravado, no chest beating and discarding our own worth. God receives us – all that we are, our past, our present, our brokenness and giftedness — the whole of each of us. God loves us however we show up. And God always shows up for us.
Read MoreWhat an image of leadership – Moses so visibly present on the hill with his hands raised and two of his community members on either side offering support. It seems like a lot of us could benefit from this kind of leadership, especially during these times of transition. We’re no longer what we have been, but we don’t know what we’re becoming. How will we get through this? How are our leaders leading, and how do we support each other as community? And where is God in all this?
Read MoreI’m working to not let my heart be troubled or afraid, but even if that’s my default, I don’t have to maintain that setting today. I can modify it. And God is always at work in me, rewriting the code that I can’t even decipher and changing my settings from troubled to peace.
Read MoreUnderstanding mission as a project feels helpful, at least to me. Being assigned a project is far less daunting than being sent on a mission. Mission inspires me, but it also overwhelms me. A project is doable, one step at a time.
Read MorePalm Sunday and Holy Week may offer us an opportunity to be with our own suffering and joy, hurt and healing, betrayal and forgiveness, loneliness and connection. As we move through these sacred days, we may see how, as we enter into the Passion of Jesus, Christ has entered into our own passion too, this life we’re living, day by day and year by year.
Read MoreAs we bear the crosses in our own lives, we may have to dig down deep to find hope, but resurrection is on its way. God makes all things new.
Read MoreProphets don’t predict the future. They speak a word of hope. God keeps making promises, and when those are fulfilled, God makes more promises. Blessed are we who believe.
Read MoreLet’s rejoice because the reign of God is near and here, among us and within us and yet to come. Let’s allow ourselves to be moved by the beauty of the earth and to rejoice with it.
Read MoreIn our following Christ, we do seek blessings rather than woes. As one of our group members said, “No more woes! Only more blessings! Mo’ blessings, no woes!”
Read MoreI can’t force joy. However, as the Letter to the Philippians invites, I can lay my difficulties before God and receive the love and care God offers. And, when God gifts me with joy, I can welcome it and give thanks for it, because in periods of sorrow, a moment of joy feels like an enormous relief, a glowing light in a pitch-black night. I’ve learned to honor whatever feelings I have; to do otherwise is to slip into avoidance, and that’s just not helpful. We’re invited to bring how we are – our petitions and prayers – before God. However, I never want to be so shrouded with sorrow or stress that I miss joy when it arrives.
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.